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gas temperature artinya

contoh kalimat "gas temperature"
  • Flue gas temperature at 350 C at normal temperature
    Suhu gas di 350 C pada suhu normal
  • 3. Application Limits ( Suction Gas Temperature 20°C)
    3. Had Permohonan (Suction Gas suhu 20 ° C)
  • Flue gas temperature at 350 C at normal temperature
    Buang suhu gas pada 350 C pada suhu normal
  • Exhaust gas temperature ℃ 145 145 145
    Temperatur gas buang ℃ 145 145 145
  • 6. Gas flow and gas temperature test
    6. Aliran gas dan uji suhu gas
  • ? Furnace exit gas temperature (FEGT) is likely to increase
    ? Temperatur gas keluar tanur (FEGT) kemungkinan akan meningkat
  • Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Exhaust Gas Temperature Gauge Voltmeters And Ammeters
    Sound Light Alarm autoranging digital multimeter Ohm Voltmeter Ammeter
  • Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Gauge - Indicates the temperature of the exhaust gas just after combustion.
    Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Gauge Menunjukkan suhu gas buang setelah pembakaran.
  • Skoda Octavia 5E 13- Sensor exhaust gas temperature sender to diesel particulate filter
    Skoda Octavia 5E 13- Air mass meter, air flow sensor 2,0CR TDI diesel Bosch
  • Cooling device is not required; tail gas temperature is low, the dust removal equipment is with longer
    perangkat pendingin tidak diperlukan; temperatur gas buang rendah, peralatan penghapus debu lebih lama
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3